I've been neglecting this page for quite a while and realized it's time to post some updates. Since last year when I was previously writing about Fallout 3, a few games have come and gone. Fallout 3 (almost complete, need to finish some additional DLC), Fallout 4 (on Xbox One, unfinished), and finally Elite Dangerous. ED has become my primary gaming venture ever since a few friends of mine convinced me to give it a shot. Since space sims were not really my thing, I didn't expect a loving relationship but it caught me. Hard.
At first it was a tough sell, zipping around in the entry level ship, the Sidewinder. A few days of chasing weaker ships for their bounties with my friends in Resource Extraction Sites earned me enough credits to upgrade to my next ship, the Viper MK3, this one got me hooked. It looks awesome, handles like a real fighter ship and soon I was taking out all the "Wanted" NPCs I could find.
Elite is a seriously large game, however. Bounty hunting is only one small activity. The galaxy has billions of stars, and there lies the dream: traversing the depths of space, going where no man has gone before. So, after running some cargo trades, (admittedly I was dealing in imperial slaves at the time, for the creds) and saving enough for my next ship, the Asp Explorer I set out with a much better jump range, cargo holds and weapon loadouts. Its also truly the greatest exploration ship one can hope for, cant recommend it enough. It resembles an angular saucer in design, with fins, and a large open cockpit window design in the front, granting a full view both above and below the ship.
This ship quickly became my primary form of transportation, especially before I set out on a mission to explore the depths of space, and the surface of remote planets.
I can tell Elite will be the game I come back to. Since it is on-going development, in a years time the feature set could be YUGE.
ReplyDeleteThat's definitely psrt of what keeps me hooked...that and Alienmms!!